Product \ Technical PVC hoses PVC sleeve (black) oxygen III - 9.0 - 2.0 GOST 9356-75
PVC sleeve (black) oxygen III - 9.0 - 2.0 GOST 9356-75
ГОСТ 9356-75
PVC sleeve (black) oxygen III - 9.0 - 2.0 GOST 9356-75
The PVC hoses for gas welding and metal cutting are designed to be used to pressurize acetylene, urban gas, propane, butane and oxygen to gas welding and metal cutting devices.
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  • • Guarantee
    Manufacturer warranty to 18 months. Exchange/return of goods during 14 days.
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Technical data
  • Length, m
  • Inner diameter, mm
    9 мм
  • Number of layers
  • Wall thickness, mm
    3 мм
  • Weight, kg
  • External diameter, mm
    12 мм
  • Operating pressure, mPa
    20 мПа