Product \ Sleeves Рукав дорновый напорный ВГ (ІІІ) -10-42-Н ТУ У 22.1-34547810-002:2019
Рукав дорновый напорный ВГ (ІІІ) -10-42-Н ТУ У 22.1-34547810-002:2019
Рукав дорновый напорный ВГ (ІІІ) -10-42-Н ТУ У 22.1-34547810-002:2019
Sleeve VG (III) a rubber sleeve reinforced with a braid on the inside and reinforced with a textile frame on the outside, a flexible pressure hose for supplying hot water under pressure. Operating temperature: -35 ° to + 100 ° C.
  • • Payment
    Cash, Non-cash, Credit, Visa/MasterCard, Installment now
  • • Guarantee
    Manufacturer warranty to 18 months. Exchange/return of goods during 14 days.
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Technical data
  • Breaking pressure, mPa
    3 мПа
  • Length, m
  • Wall thickness, mm
  • Number of layers
  • External diameter, mm
    50 мм
  • Weight, kg
  • Inner diameter, mm
    42 мм
  • Operating pressure, mPa
    1 мПа
  • Temperature limits, °C
    -35°C, +95°C